Saturday, January 5, 2008

Written Horribly But With Heart

My godmother, Marianna, passed away from cancer this past fall. I saw her a week before she went and we talked about old memories. I had to leave the room a few times because I would start to cry and didn't want her to see me like that. I knew that was going to be the last time I saw her. Before I left the room I looked into her eyes and tried so hard to make the goodbye as good as it could possibly be. I've experienced losing people with no chance of saying goodbye, and that has always been the hardest part. But being put in the situation, where I knew it was the final goodbye, may have been harder because you have to walk away from that person who is still alive knowing that the last double take you do will be the last time you will see them, ever.

There was a Christmas present I hadn't opened yet. It was still in the trunk of my mom's car from Christmas and I just brought it in tonight. The gifts were dropped off by my Aunt Lauren to my grandparents house. We opened the box tonight and inside were three boxes and a letter. The letter was from Aunt Lauren saying that Marianna had made these three pieces of jewelry for my mom, Kristen and I. Mine is a necklace with brown and turquiose beads which are my two favorite colors together. Months after I said goodbye to her, months after the funeral, I received a gift from her. It blows my mind. Marianna made beautiful jewelry.

While I felt like my whole life was falling apart and my emotions were running low, a very special angel sent me a gift on the day I needed it most.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

its time to update again!