Thursday, January 31, 2008


Kristen told me I need to update so I'm taking a few minutes to do so...

Life has been crazy. This past month has been a rollercoaster for me. I got some really really great news concerning my health at the beginning of the month. Towards the middle there was a lot of excitement with going back to west chester and some sadness in leaving my friends at home. And now, at the end of the month, my life is so hectic!

Hopefully February will go by fast and then March will be here and Sammy and I will be on our way to Cozumel/Beliz! I'm so excited and ready for the biggest trip I've ever been on. I've only been out of the country once, and it was a day trip into Mexico because my Aunt Robin lived right over the border in Texas. So, I feel like this is my first time really leaving the country and I couldn't be happier! One of my biggest fears is dying without seeing enough of the world. I want to see everything. There is so much out there; its beyond my comprehension. This trip will be the beginning of my traveling and hopefully there will be much more to come. Becca and I were talking last night about planning a trip for junior year to backpack across Europe. I would absolutely love to do that. I don't want to stay in four-star hotels or pay to go to all of the well-known tourist attractions. I want to discover and explore on my own. I also don't have the money to be an average tourist but I think it would be more fun to rough it. If I could guarantee one thing that would happen before I die it would be to explore every continent thoroughly. (except maybe Antarctica) but I'd still like to go!

Sorry if this post is boring.. I guess the main reason why I haven't been updating is because I've been writing in my real journal a lot lately. Some of the things I wanted to post about on here I was afraid to because I know people read this and they were really personal. I wish I could be completely open on here but I have no clue who reads this or if it will change their perception of me. And so...the boring posts will continue. :) Maybe someday I'll find something interesting to talk about that is appropriate for cyber-space and for all those weirdos that I don't know who are reading this! haha

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