Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I miss my friend

The other day I was really bored and decided to go through all of my old messages on myspace. They went all the way back to my freshman year of high school. There was one message I came across from Christine that she sent on February 6, 2006. This is a little over 4 months before her accident. It was a survey I posted for other people to fill out. As I was reading it I laughed and smiled at her answers about me but once I finished reading it I got really sad. I wanted more.

Three of the questions made me really miss her..

6. If u could GIVE me anything, what would it be: A HUG!
7. If u could ASK me one last thing, what would it be: how did you get to be so cool?
8. If u could TELL me one last thing, what would it be: i like you a whole lot!

I really miss her a lot.

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