Monday, March 31, 2008

Today a boy in Teen Leaders crashed his car into the same tree that Christine did. From what I hear, he was wearing his seat belt and is completely fine now. It just shook me up a lot. I had a dream about a week ago that I haven't yet forgotten. It was about Christine. In my dream, she had come out of her coma a year and a half ago instead of passing away. She didn't have a lot of her motor skills and she couldn't talk still. She could see and hear everyone, though. She looked somewhat different than she had before the accident but I was used to it in the dream and it didn't affect anyone. The dream was strange...I was at the Concord Mall with Becca, Amanda and Gill and we were talking about how we should go hang out with Christine after we left. So we went over to her house and ate icecream just like we did in real life over winter break except for Christine was there. Everything was exactly the same after we got to the house except Christine was there. Its just weird that I dreamt about that because that could've happened. If that had really happened, would I have had dreams about her dying? I probably would, then wake up thankful that that didn't happen instead of upset that it weren't the way the dream were like I am now. Sorry, this is so much rambling. I'm stopping.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

it's not rambling, kels. write more... i like to read it ...