Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July!

The past three days have been three of the best days of my year....maybe even longer than that. I haven't been this genuinely happy in so long! IT FEELS GREAT!

and it's fourth of july! i love this holiday! There are bbqs, beer, doesn't get much better than that! I'm going up to west chester tonight w/ my friends then around one were prob gonna bbq at sean's. :)

On a more serious note, today I'm thinking about all of the people who live in countries without the freedom we have in the States. Although there is still much change to be made in our country, we have progressed so much further than more than 3/4s of the world and we should be very thankful and proud of that. I am proud to be an American even if I strongly dislike our current president! But, change is in the near future. Yes, we can!!

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